This is LEVEL 1 – UNIT 10 – Lesson 7 in our NoPrep Online ESL Curriculum. The lessons in LEVEL 1 are intended for young, beginner-level learners with basic but limited knowledge of English.
The lesson includes 22 pages in total, reviewing the concepts taught in Level 1, Unit 7 (“Pets”):
Vocabulary: Pets! (dog/puppy, cat/kitten, bird/chick, fish, turtle, snake, hamster)
Grammar & Usage: see/sees, another, this/that, like/don’t like, friendly/unfriendly
Sentence Patterns: I see a ___ and a ___. / This is a friendly dog. That is an unfriendly dog. / She sees a friendly snake. / She sees an unfriendly snake.
There is also a simple homework assignment at the end of the lesson to help reinforce the content of the lesson.
It is intended for a 25-minute class period, though it can easily be adapted for shorter/longer class times.
The lesson comes in 2 formats: .edb format (interactive, with draggable elements, for use on the ClassIn platform) or .pdf format (static, without draggable elements, for use on any platform).