This is LEVEL 0 - UNIT 2 - Lesson 1 in our NoPrep Online ESL curriculum. The lessons in LEVEL 0 are intended for young learners with no background knowledge of English.
The lesson includes 26 pages in total, introducing the words: Happy, Sad, Angry, Tired ("I am happy!" / "I am tired!" / "Who is sad?"). Students then review these words by acting happy, sad, angry, or tired, and by drawing faces that are happy, sad, angry, or tired. | ||
This is LEVEL 0 - UNIT 2 - Lesson 2 in our NoPrep Online ESL Curriculum. It is intended for young learners with no background knowledge of English.
The lesson includes 28 pages in total, reviewing previous vocabulary and introducing the words "He" and "She" ("He is a boy." / "She is a girl." / "He is sad." / "She is angry."). | ||
This is LEVEL 0 - UNIT 2 - Lesson 3 in our NoPrep Online ESL Curriculum. It is intended for young learners with no background knowledge of English.
The lesson includes 20 pages in total, reviewing the vocabulary taught in Lessons 1 & 2 (Happy, Sad, Tired, Angry, He, She / "Who is happy?" / "He/She is happy."). | ||
This LEVEL 0 - UNIT 2 - Lesson 4 in our NoPrep Online ESL Curriculum. It is intended for young learners with no background knowledge of English.
The lesson includes 29 pages in total, reviewing the previous vocabulary (happy, sad, angry, tired) with a fun story, "How Are You?" | ||
This is LEVEL 0 - UNIT 2 - Lesson 5 in our NoPrep Online ESL Curriculum. It is intended for young learners with no background knowledge of English.
The lesson includes 23 pages in total, reviewing the letter Aa (alligator, ant, apple) and introducing the letters Bb (butterfly, bear, banana), Cc (cat, cake, cow), Dd (duck, dog, dog). Students learn big/small Bb/Cc/Dd and practice saying the sounds /b/, /c/, and /d/. | ||
This is LEVEL 0 - UNIT 2 - Lesson 6 in our NoPrep Online ESL Curriculum. It is intended for young learners with no background knowledge of English.
The lesson includes 29 pages in total, reviewing the letters and vocabulary from previous lessons and introducing the shape "square" ("What is it?" / "It is a square!").
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This is LEVEL 0 - UNIT 2 - Lesson 7 in our NoPrep Online ESL Curriculum. It is intended for young learners with no background knowledge of English.
The lesson includes 28 pages in total, reviewing the concepts from previous lessons and introducing the color "blue" ("Bear" / "Blue bear" / "A blue bear"). | ||
This is LEVEL 0 - UNIT 2 - Lesson 8 in our NoPrep Online ESL Curriculum. It is intended for young learners with no background knowledge of English.
The lesson includes 25 pages in total, reviewing the concepts from previous lessons and introducing the numbers 2 and 3 ("Three bears" / "Three blue bears" / "Three butterflies" / "Three blue butterflies"). | ||
This is LEVEL 0 - UNIT 2 - Lesson 9 in our NoPrep Online ESL curriculum. It is intended for young learners with no background knowledge of English.
The lesson includes 29 pages in total, reviewing the vocabulary, letters, and numbers from previous lessons with a fun story ("Monster Letters!"). | ||
This is LEVEL 0 - UNIT 2 - Lesson 10 in our NoPrep Online ESL curriculum. It is intended for young learners with no background knowledge of English.
The lesson includes 35 pages in total, reviewing all of the vocabulary, letters, and numbers from Unit 2 (happy, sad, angry, tired, blue, square, he, she, 1,2,3, Aa,Bb,Cc) using short stories and fun activities. |